Department Today

The Department of Policy in the field of fight against crime and criminal law is a structural unit of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and the Educational Scientific Law Institute, which conducts educational and methodological work in several related academic disciplines, carries out scientific and research activities in specific directions.

Today, eight full-time teachers work in the Department:

The head of the Department, Dr. Law of Sciences; I.V. Kozych;

professor of the Department, Dr. juridical sciences; P.L. Fries;

professor of the Department; Dr. Law of Sciences, Associate Professor I.B. Medytskiy;

associate professor of the Department, candidate law of Sciences, Associate Professor Yu.I. Mykytyn;

associate professor of the Department, candidate law of Sciences, associate professor O.Yu. Petechel;

associate professor of the Department, candidate Law of Sciences S.V. Kaduk;

associate professor of the Department, candidate Law of Sciences V.V. Shpilaryevich;

assistant of Department of Ph.D. M.O. Iatsyna.

The director of the Educational and Scientific Legal Institute, a candidate of science, works part-time at the Department, is an Associate Professor, and Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Yu.I. Mykytyn, head of the Department of Jurisprudence, Doctor of Law, Prof. Yu. V. Kernyakevych-Tanasiychuk, Associate Proffesor Voloshinovych V.M.

Senior laboratory technician I. M. Danylchenko performs auxiliary activities regarding organizational and technical support of the department.

Associate professor of the department, candidate of legal sciences Yu.I. Mykytin, O. Yu. Petechel, and V.V. Shpilaryevich are working on scientific research to obtain the scientific degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences.

The department provides a reading of specialized academic disciplines for full-time and part-time Bachelor’ and Master’s students.

The educational and professional program specializing in “Criminal-legal protection of social relations” for master’s degree holders of higher education involves an in-depth study of specialized academic disciplines and the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of professional competencies in the field of criminal, criminal-executive law and criminology, politics in the field of combating crime.

The educational process is fully equipped with educational, methodical, and informational material, the development and improvement of which are constantly being worked on by the department’s teaching staff.

Teachers on the approved topics of scientific research of the department carry out the scientific activity. Since 1996, when the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure was established, which was renamed the Department of Criminal Law in October 2008, its team has been formed as an independent scientific school that develops and implements the main directions of policy in fighting crime.

Today, scientific activity in the field of fighting crime is coordinated by the head. Department of Jurisprudence, Assoc. I.V. Kozych. The result of the research activity of the department is successfully defended dissertation works; scientific products in the form of monographs, scientific articles, abstracts of reports at conferences, etc.; collective scientific events organized by the department and participation in the work of similar events held by specialized institutions of other scientific and educational institutions regarding the discussion of current problems of legal science.

All teachers of the department are actively engaged in scientific work and are authors and co-authors:


Fries P.L. Criminal and legal policy of the Ukrainian state: theoretical, historical and legal problems: monograph. Kyiv: Atika, 2005. 332 p.;

Fries P.L. Essay on the history of criminal and legal policy of Ukraine (2005): monograph. Kyiv: Atika, 2005. 124 p.;

Fries P.L. Politics in the field of fighting crime and human rights. Monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk-Nadvirna: CJSC “Nadvirnyanska printing house”, 2009. 169 p.

Fries PL. Comparative criminal law of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine in the context of the European Union. Porównawcze pravo karne Rzeczpospolitej and Ukrainy w kontekscie Unii Europejskiej. Monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk, Opole. 2007. – Ivano-Frankivsk, Opole. 2007. 275 p. (co-authored by: Basai V.D., Stadnichenko S.L.)

Fries P.L. Application of the OBS norms and institutions of criminal and administrative legislation during Euro 2012. Training manual. Vulture of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2011. 868 p.

Yu.V. Kerniakevych-Tanasiychuk Criminal and enforcement policy of Ukraine: a monograph. Ivano-Frpankivsk, 2019.

Politics in the field of fighting crime of Ukraine: theoretical and applied problems, under the general editorship of the Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Prof. P.L. Fris and Doctor of Law, Prof., V .B. Kharchenko, Ivano-Frankivsk – Kharkiv, 2016.

Fris P. L., Kozych I. V., Hanulyak E. M. Dispositive method of implementation of criminal law policy. Monograph. Iv. Frankivsk 2020.

Fris P. L., Shpilaryevich V. V. Criminal law policy regulating security measures. Monograph: Law, 2020.

The ideology of criminal and legal policy: a monograph / Pavlo Lvovich Fries – Ivano-Frankivsk: Suprun V. P. 2021 – 389 p.

Yu.I. Mykytyn, I.V. Kozych (in co-authorship). The contract is a universal form of legal regulation. Monograph edited by V.A. Vasylieva Ivano-Frankivsk, 2016. 399 p.

Kozych I.V. Criminal law policy: functions and functioning. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2020. 311 p. 296 p.

Medytskyi I.B. The influence of social factors on crime in forming independent Ukraine of the Yin state: a monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2007.

  1. B. Medytskyi Consequences of crime in Ukraine: theoretical and applied aspects: monograph / I. B. Medytskyi. Ivano-Frankivsk: Suprun V.P., 2020. 314 p.

Petechel O.Yu. Use of special psychological knowledge regarding minor participants in the pre-trial investigation: monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk, Precarpathian Vasyl Stefanyk National University, 2011.

Fries P.L. Selected works. Ivano-Frankivsk-2014.


Fries P.L. Criminal law of Ukraine. General part: manual. 3rd edition, additions, and revisions. Odesa, Phoenix, 2018. 394 p.

Fries P.L. The general part of the criminal law of Ukraine (2nd edition) — Kyiv: Atika, 2009

Fries P.L. Politics in fighting crime: theoretical and legal problems (co-authored). 2016

Fries P.L. Application of the OBS norms and institutions of criminal and administrative legislation during Euro 2012. Training manual. Vulture of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2011. 868 p.

Yu.I. Mykytyn (in co-authorship). Mediation in the professional activity of a lawyer: textbook/author. Col.: T. Bilyk, R. Gavrylyuk, I. Horodyskyi [and others]; under the editorship N. Krestovska, L. Romanadze. Odesa: Ecology, 2019. 456 p.: fig. (section 2.1 – pp. 62-78; subsection 8.5 – pp. 368-378; subsection 9.4. – pp. 428-437).

The Department closely cooperates with relevant specialized structures of leading legal educational and scientific institutions, notably the Research Institute for the Study of Crime Problems, named after V.V. Stashis of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. Based on the educational-scientific Law Institute, an Educational-scientific laboratory for the study of policy problems in combating crime was created, in which the department’s teachers are actively involved. Leading scientists of these institutions carry out scientific counseling of doctoral dissertations, act as reviewers of scientific publications, defenses of dissertations of graduate students, and teachers of the department of the educational and scientific legal institute take place in specialized councils. At the same time, teachers of the department are involved in reviewing dissertation works, which are performed in these institutions, and participate in joint scientific conferences.

The research work of students is carried out through their participation in scientific research under the guidance of teachers on the subject of the department’s research work. The department has two student scientific circles. The result of the scientific work of students is the participation of students in competitions of scientific works, other competitions, and scholarship programs, preparation of reports, and involvement in the creation of student scientific conferences. The department’s best students regularly become prize-winners of the All-Ukrainian Olympics in criminal law.

In recent years, the department has been actively working towards expanding international scientific cooperation, the impetus for which was cooperation with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), together with international scientific events held annually.

The educational and scientific legal institute has an educational and methodological office of the criminal law department, where master’s degree students and the work of scientific student circles are traditionally held.